
Focusing on God Always Leads to Thanksgiving (Part 1) (11/19/2023)

Posted on November 19, 2023

Psalm 107:1-32

Dr. Orvin Feliciano

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The Servant Savior (Mark): Following Jesus Always Leads to Sharing Jesus (11/12/2023)

Posted on November 12, 2023

Mark 2:13-17

Dr. Orvin Feliciano

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The Servant Savior (Mark): That's What Friends Are For (11/5/2023)

Posted on November 5, 2023

Mark 2:1-12

Dr. Orvin Feliciano

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The Servant Savior (Mark): Lessons from a Man Healed (10/29/2023)

Posted on October 29, 2023

Mark 1:39-45

Dr. Orvin Feliciano

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The Easel: Magnifying Christ through the Three-Legged Worship Choir Ministry (10/22/2023)

Posted on October 22, 2023

2 Chronicles 5:12-14; 20:20-23; 34:8-13

Josh Erisman

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